1) Take short showers, hot water only lasts in the summer when it is 115 outside
2) Leaks are a regular thing around here, $8,000 a month rent in Abu Dhabi doesn't get you the swanky..all bathrooms work, no leak house, like it gets you in the states
3) Watch where you step, there are no safety regulations here, so pipes can be sticking out anywhere and holes can be right in the middle of a sidewalk!
4) Watch where you step around camels
5) Remember exacly where you are by landmarks and buildings, as nothing has an address here and cab drivers rarely speak good English
6) Leave time for figuring out Abu Dhabi events, signs are never in English that tell you where to go and what the schedule is and if you ask anyone a question..the answer is ALWAYS YES, even if they have no idea what you are saying!!
7) Locals only work when they want to, sometimes they show and sometimes, they don't!!
8) Always stock up on wine at the Duty Free in the airport, alcohol is hard to come by in Abu Dhabi and very pricey!!
9) Check your camel's saddle before you get on, make sure the girth is tight!!
The Camel Festival..thousands of camels, and a great event, however, since all signs were in arabic we had no idea what was going on!!!

Dad riding a camel with a good saddle...Mike got on one and the saddle fell right over..ouch!!

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