Our plans for Spring Break had been set all year..Mike’s Mom, Dad and sister were coming to visit Abu Dhabi while the kids were off school.
Well, that all changed when we got the sad, sad news that Mike’s Mom fell and broke her hip while teaching.
We were all so disappointed and upset to not have the Oswald’s visiting.
What to do..Mike had already planned to take the week off work??
We started looking into going somewhere..maybe just a short trip to Oman, but then, like a news flash, a website for Emirates airline..kids fly free to Paris..our looming question was answered!
We also finally sold our house, which we felt was cause enough to celebrate!!
So, while Mike’s Mom recovered and my Mom and Dad packed up and moved everything out of our home in Ross Bridge we gallivanted around Paris. This trip was a sure test of our family traveling abilities!! We don’t speak the language, we only rode on public transportation, we all stayed together in small hotel rooms, and we went..all day, every day!! It was at times, tense..the subways have never ending hallways that seem to lead you to nowhere but urine smelling corners, there was an attempted pick pocketing as soon as we arose from the subway tunnels on our first day there, there was no A/C in the room, the boys lost me at Versailles…BUT, after all that said, we had a great family holiday, seeing sights we had only dreamed of before moving to Abu Dhabi. Paris offered great food, wonderful places for the boys to run and play and historic sights of all kinds, and contrary to popular belief, most people were quite friendly and helpful!!
First, Disneyland..our hotel, the Dreamcastle sat on a lake with a great view of the Paris countryside...

Jake, Jett and 10 French children swinging them around..all of the kids were so nice to the boys...

Jett in front of Notre Dame...

Our last night, the boys played in the playground at the foot of the Eiffel Tower while Mike and I drank wine (in public, woo hew!!)

The entire trip Jake's front tooth was just hanging on, it finally made major progress on the airplane...

And its out...what a memory..he lost his first front tooth over Iraq of all places!!!

Again, a great trip. While unpacking today and putting the suitcases away I am thrilled with excitement, as I know the next time I take them out..only eight weeks away.. it will be for the long flight home, we are SO EXCITED to see our friends and family, we can't wait for summer!!