After 11 years of marriage (we met in 1992, so add 6 years to that), I am so happy to be married to my best friend. What a great year it has been, and for the first time in many years Mike and I were able to celebrate our anniversary on our anniversary, May 23!! No Memorial Day Weekend here, which, in the states, meant Mike worked at a jammed,packed, theme park and came home late at night, tired, sweaty and smelling like roller coaster greese!
No, this year, he came home just returning from a whirlwind trip across Europe, visiting cities from Munich to Milan all by train..for work!! What a job! He had a glow about him, retelling stories of his sight visits, of which included a Ferrari Factory Tour in which he learned more about the car he has loved for years!!
We went out for dinner, leaving the kids in the safe and knowing hands of Anusha, our newest family member, our live-in housemaid and nanny! After dinner we had drinks outside looking out at the the second largest mosque in the world (see below). Two local men came out and offered their best wishes, they even had champagne and a dessert sent to us! Why they approached us, we don't know, this never happens, as locals usual a) are never at bars and b) never talk to westerners if they are...my opinion is, they wanted to talk to us because we looked so happy they just had to know why!!