Alright, yes, I am currently addicted to blogging! However, with this season of Mad Men over, Entourage only on once a week (on the slingbox) and no other HBO or Showtimes series on, I am stuck at the computer. Plus...I just keep thinking of things I want to say or show!! Like different than any other Friday, but it was a great day!
Yesterday, we bought a fake Christmas tree at the Abu Dhabi Co-Op, no doubt. I was fearful it would be difficult to find Christmas decorations here, thinking we may be decorating a palm tree. By the way, we have no fireplace but we do have a roof, so Jake and Jett are convinced Santa will come via that route!! Instead, there has been an amplitude of decorations every where I go! This is so crazy to me that here we are in a Muslim country and there are signs that Christmas is coming every where we go!!
Jake had been asking me over and over they (the locals) know about Christmas here? It can be difficult for a six year old to understand that they know it, but don't celebrate it...and with the abudant decorations everywhere he is totally perplexed!!
Anyway..on to our day. We'll even though Thanksgiving is still a few days away, Jake had to put the tree together first thing this morning. So there we were with coffee and PJ's putting together a very Charlie Brown tree (i.e. cheap)!! We had a great time and the kids loved it..and that is really all that matters!
Later in the day we went to a new hotel shopping and dining area for a late lunch, this was great fun. We decided to let the kids play on the beach for awhile while we sipped our Starbucks. The weather by the way is beautiful! It is 90 something outside, but after living in the summer here, that feels like a nice 75 degrees! Well, Jett...our little sweet, loving but crazy boy couldn't resist his temptation..I'll let the pictures speak for themselves!!
Our Christmas tree..not bad for living in the middle east!!

The boat canal ride at the Shangra-La Hotel Souk Canels..a new area here in Abu Dhabi!!